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Tác giả Maxime Mawait & Nicolas Rybowski
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Các tag chuyên mục S4, Level 4, Pointer, Linked list, Malloc, Struct


Đăng nhập

[S4] Ordered linked list

Given the provided implementation of a linked list, you need to implement the insert function based on a specific order relation. The goal is to implement an ordered list similar to a LinkedList with a Comparator in Java.

Câu hỏi 1: Order relation

For this subproblem, you need to implement the comparison function which defines the order relationship of the list.

Write the body of the function compare.

* @return: 0 if equals, negative number if @b is greater,
* and positive number otherwise
int compare(char a, char b) {
Câu hỏi 2: Insert

Assuming following linked list structure :

typedef struct node{
    char val;
    struct node *next;
} node_t;

Write the body of the function insert

* @value: value to be inserted. If the value is already in the list, no element is added and the list is not modified
* @fun: comparison function which defines the order relationship of the list
* @head: first node of the list, head != NULL
* @return: 0 if success, -1 otherwise
int insert(node_t **head, char val, int (*cmp)(char,char)) {