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Click here to download the IntelliJ project for this exercise. Alternatively, you can find all the exercices on this git repository

This exercise is already available in your IntelliJ as a project. What you need to do is described in the comments at the top of the file in src/main/java/.

package basics;

import java.util.Arrays;

 * ***********
 * * English *
 * ***********
 *  The Pascal triangle up to row5 looks like this:
 *  row1      1
 *  row2     1 1
 *  row3    1 2 1
 *  row4   1 3 3 1
 *  row5  1 4 6 4 1
 * As you can observe, each element of each
 * row is either 1 or the sum of
 * the two elements right above it.
 * For example, the last row
 * of the triangle is constructed as such :
 *   1   (since the first element of each row doesn't have two elements above it)
 *   4   (1 + 3)
 *   6   (3 + 3)
 *   4   (3 + 1)
 *   1   (since the last element of each row doesn't have two elements above it)
 *  Your task is to return an array that represents
 *  the nth row of Pascal's triangle
 *  You can add methods in the class.
 *  ************
 *  * Français *
 *  ************
 *  Le triangle de Pascal jusqu'à la 5ème rangée est donné ci-dessous:
 *  row1      1
 *  row2     1 1
 *  row3    1 2 1
 *  row4   1 3 3 1
 *  row5  1 4 6 4 1
 * Comme vous pouvez l'observer, chaque élément de chaque
 * ligne est soit 1, soit la somme de
 * des deux éléments situés juste au-dessus.
 * Par exemple, la dernière ligne
 * du triangle est construite comme suit :
 * 1 (puisque le premier élément de chaque rangée n'a pas deux éléments au-dessus de lui)
 * 4 (1 + 3)
 * 6 (3 + 3)
 * 4 (3 + 1)
 * 1 (puisque le dernier élément de chaque ligne n'a pas deux éléments au-dessus de lui)
 * Votre tâche est de retourner un tableau qui représente
 * la nième ligne du triangle de Pascal
 * Vous pouvez ajouter des méthodes dans la classe.

public class Pascal {

     * Computes the nth row of Pascal triangle
     * @param n > 0
     * @return the nth row of Pascal triangle
    public static int[] pascal(int n) {
         return null;

  • Instruction provided at the top of the source file on IntelliJ.
  • Debug using small and easy unit tests provided in junit tests, it can also help to clarify the instructions.

Paste here the content of the whole file associated with this question