
Deadline Keine Frist
Abgabenlimit No limitation



Click here to download the IntelliJ project for this exercise. Alternatively, you can find all the exercices on this git repository

This exercise is already available in your IntelliJ as a project. What you need to do is described in the comments at the top of the file in src/main/java/.

package algorithms;

public class Anagram {

     * Count the number of occurrences of each letter of the alphabet
     * (from 'A' to 'Z') in the given string. The function must return
     * an array containing 26 elements: The item with index 0 contains
     * the number of 'A' in the string, the item with index 1 contains
     * the number of 'B', and so on.
     * This function must be case-insensitive, i.e. the character 'f'
     * must be considered as the same as character 'F'.
     * Characters that are neither in the range 'a' to 'z', nor in the
     * range 'A' to 'Z' must be ignored.
     * The time complexity of your method must be Theta(n),
     * where n is the size of the string.
     * @param s The string of interest.
     * @return An array counting the number of occurrences of each
     * letter.
    public static int[] countAlphabet(String s) {
         return null;

     * Check whether one string is an anagram of another string. It is
     * strongly advised to use the function "countAlphabet()" as a
     * building block for function "isAnagram()".
     * The time complexity of your method must be O(n+m),
     * where n is the size of the first string, and m is the size of
     * the second string.
     * @param s1 The first string.
     * @param s2 The second string.
     * @return <code>true</code> iff. the two strings are anagrams.
    public static boolean isAnagram(String s1,
                                    String s2) {
         return false;
  • Instruction provided at the top of the source file on IntelliJ.
  • Debug using small and easy unit tests provided in junit tests, it can also help to clarify the instructions.

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