
מועד הגשה אין מועד הגשה
מגבלת הגשות אין הגבלה



Click here to download the IntelliJ project for this exercise. Alternatively, you can find all the exercices on this git repository

This exercise is already available in your IntelliJ as a project. What you need to do is described in the comments at the top of the file in src/main/java/.

package basics;
import java.util.ArrayList;

public class ASCIIDecoder {

     * The 2D array "sentences" contain a set of decimal ASCII code we want you
     * to translate. Each sub-element of this array is a different sentence.
     * Ex : if we pass this array : [ ["72", "101", "108", "108", "111"], ["87", "111", "114", "108", "100"]]
     * to your decode method, you should return : [ "Hello", "World" ].
     * Forbidden characters are passed as an array of int.
     * Each element of this array correspond to the decimal ASCII code
     * of a forbidden character OR null if there's no forbidden character
     * If you encounter one of these forbidden character
     * you must ignore it when you translate your sentence.
     * Use the StringBuilder class and its method appendCodePoint(int) to translate the ASCII code.
     * You should NEVER return null or an array containing null.
    public static String [] decode(int[] forbidden, String[][] sentences){
         return null;

  • Instruction provided at the top of the source file on IntelliJ.
  • Debug using small and easy unit tests provided in junit tests, it can also help to clarify the instructions.

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