
Prazo de entrega Sem prazo
Limite de submissão No limitation



Click here to download the IntelliJ project for this exercise. Alternatively, you can find all the exercices on this git repository

This exercise is already available in your IntelliJ as a project. What you need to do is described in the comments at the top of the file in src/main/java/.

package basics;

 * A class that represents a game of Four in a Row.
 * The game is played on a 6x7 board.
 * A player wins when he has 4 pieces in a row, column or diagonal.
 * ForInARow is a two-player connection rack game, in which the players choose a color and
 * then take turns dropping colored tokens into a six-row, seven-column vertically suspended grid.
 * The pieces fall straight down, occupying the lowest available space within the column.
 * The objective of the game is to be the first to form a horizontal,
 * vertical, or diagonal line of four of one's own tokens.
 * Your taks is to model the game and implement the method hasWon(char player) that returns true.
 * if the player has won the game.
 * We advise you to model the state of the game with an internal 2D array of char.
public class FourInARow {
    private static final int ROWS = 6;
    private static final int COLUMNS = 7;

    private static final char EMPTY = '-';
    private static final char[] PLAYERS = {'X', 'O'};

     // add your own instance variables here

    public FourInARow() {
         // add your own code here

     * Play a piece in column j for the given player.
     * @param j the column index
     * @param player the player (X or O)
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if j is not a valid column index or if the column is full or if the player is not X or O
    public void play(int j, char player) {
         // add your own code here

     * Returns true if the player has won the game.
     * @param player the player (X or O)
     * @return true if the player has won the game
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the player is not X or O
    public boolean hasWon(char player) {
         // add your own code here
        return false;
  • Instruction provided at the top of the source file on IntelliJ.
  • Debug using small and easy unit tests provided in junit tests, it can also help to clarify the instructions.

Paste here the content of the whole file associated with this question