
Prazo de entrega Sem prazo
Limite de submissão No limitation



Click here to download the IntelliJ project for this exercise. Alternatively, you can find all the exercices on this git repository

This exercise is already available in your IntelliJ as a project. What you need to do is described in the comments at the top of the file in src/main/java/.

package basics;

public class IntroductionExercises {

    public static int variable = 0;

    public static int[] squares;

     * Function that bound variable to value
    public static void attribute(int value){

     * Function that return the addition of the two parameters
    public static int add(int a, int b){
         return 0;

     * return true is a and b are equal
    public static boolean equalsIntegers(int a, int b){
         return false;

     * Function that return the max between a and b in one line
     * You must use a ternary operation
    public static int max(int a, int b){
         return 0;

     * Function that return the middle value.
     * If a > b > c, the function must return b.
     * If two value are equals, return -1.
    public static int middleValue(int a, int b, int c){
         return 0;
     * This function must return :
     * "Good morning, sir!" if str is "Morning"
     * "Good evening, sir!" if str is "Evening"
     * "Hello, sir!" otherwise
     * Use a switch case statement
     * Your implementation must be case sensitive
     * And you should not use if/else!
    public static String greetings(String str){
         return "";

     * This function must return a new array of length 3
     * The first element of this new array is the last element of a
     * The second element is the first element of a
     * The last element is the middle element of a
    public static int[] lastFirstMiddle(int[] a){
         return null;

     * This function must return the sum of the elements of array using a for loop
    public static int sum(int[] array){
         return 0;

     * return the maximum element of array using a while loop
    public static int maxArray(int[] array){
         return 0;

     * Assign to the variable square, the square of the
     * parameters.
     * Let assume that the program is invoked with the following
     * line:
     *  java IntroductionExercises 0 3 4 5
     * The arguments of the program are 0, 3, 4 and 5.
     * After the execution of the main, the variable squares
     * should be:
     *  squares = [0, 9, 16, 25]
     * If an exception occurs when converting an argument to
     * an integer, put 0 at the corresponding index. For example
     *  java IntroductionExercise 0 3.1 4 5
     * would yield
     *  squares = [0, 0, 16, 25]
     * because 3.1 can not be converted to an integer
     * */
    public static void main(String... args){

  • Instruction provided at the top of the source file on IntelliJ.
  • Debug using small and easy unit tests provided in junit tests, it can also help to clarify the instructions.

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