[LEPL1503] Projet P3
A propos de ce cours
Exercices en langage C pour le projet LEPL1503
Exercices obligatoires
Projet multithread
- date limite atteinte
Soumission phase 1 du projet
- date limite atteinte
Examen 2021
- date limite atteinte
[S1] Absolute value
[S1] Factorial
[S1] Through the array
[S2] Printing data
[S2] strlen
[S2] strcat
[S2] strcasecmp
[S2] Palindrome
[S2] Reading arguments
[S2] Swap my integers
[S2] Echange de valeurs de fractions
[S3] Global and local variables
[S3] Les types (1/2)
[S3] Improved strcpy
[S3] Pointer arithmetic
[S3] Coder calloc en utilisant malloc
[S3] Sleepy malloc
[S3] Simple linked list
[S3] Simple Binary Search Tree
[S3] Le programme test
[S3] Structures and pointers to structures
[S4] Simple stack
[S4] Comparing functions
[S4] Filtering a linked list
[S4] Advanced queue
[S4] Ordered linked list
[S5] File exists
[S5] Save struct into file
[S5] Reading integers in a binary file
[S5] Get and set on array stored in binary file
[S5] File copy
[S6] Sort my points
[S6] Protect the variable
[S6] Do my work
[S6] Shared ressource
Exercices supplémentaires
[S2] Bitwise operation: high order bits
[S2] Bitwise operation: extract low order bits
[S2] Bitwise operation: setting a bit
[S2] Bitwise operation: cycling bits
[S2] Bitwise operation: counting set bits
[S2] Bitwise operation: resetting the highest order bit
Décomposition d'un programme en modules - QCM 1
Décomposition d'un programme en modules - QCM 2
Décomposition d'un programme en modules - Sortie
Makefile simple
Décomposition d'un programme en modules - Makefile
Git: utilisation linéaire
Git: utilisation de branches
Examen Aout 2022
Examen Juin 2023
Examen Aout 2023
Projet 2025 - Aides