
יוצרים Tom Rousseaux, François De Keersmaeker
מועד הגשה 16/05/2024 15:15:23
מגבלת הגשות 4 הגשות
כל 1 שעות


Project 1 - Fuzzing

The marks you get with INGInious are not equal to the marks you'll get for the project.

You can download the project instructions here. The extractor executable can be downloaded here for the x86_64 architecture, or here for the Apple Silicon chip.

You must first register to a group on INGInious with your partner to be able to submit.

This task will test your fuzzer with a toy example containing a reduced number of bugs. After the deadline, your fuzzer will be tested on another extractor binary, containing more bugs.

Only your last submission will be taken into account.

Be aware that, to alleviate workload on the server, you are only allowed 4 submissions per hour. It is therefore strongly advised to test your code locally before submitting.

Upload the project

Upload here your project as a zip file. Your zip has to contain a Makefile at its root. An example of correct archive would be

├─ src/
│  ├─ YYY.c
│  ├─ XXX.c
│  ├─ XXX.h
├─ Makefile

An erroneous archive would be

├─ MySuperProject/
   ├─ src/
   │  ├─ YYY.c
   │  ├─ XXX.c
   │  ├─ XXX.h
   ├─ Makefile

A call to make has to generate an executable file called fuzzer, taking one argument.

גודל קבצים מרבי: 1.0 MiB
הרחבות מורשות: .zip