
Date limite 22/08/2024 23:59:59
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Code generation (code)

The zip of your project

We expect the source code to be in the zip. We don't want your compiled code ;-)

Archive the root folder of your project. You should see the following architecture:

+-- build.gradle.kts
+-- src/
    +-- main/
    |   |
    |   +-- java/
    |       |
    |       +-- [...]
+-- test/
    +-- [...]

The project is built with: gradle build -x test and run with gradle run --args="test.lang -o test.class". More precisely, it can also be run with gradle run --args="../tests/test.lang -o ../tests/test.class", i.e. with relative paths to where the script test.lang is located and where the class file test.class should be generated.


test.class is run with java -cp . test. It means that your test.class file must contain a test class that implements the main method.

Taille fichier max. : 1.0 MiB
Extensions autorisées : .zip