Competitive Programming
Liste von Aufgaben
Hello World
Ad-hoc - Problem: Tournament adversaries
Graphs - Representation
Graphs - Finding a path
Graphs - Solving a maze
Graphs - Breadth-first search
Graphs - Connected components
Graphs - Problem: Fire!
Graphs - Problem: Cross Bracing
Graphs - Bipartite
Graphs - Topological sort
Graphs - Depth-first search: cycle finding
Graphs - DFS: topological order
Graphs - Strongly connected components
Graphs - Problem: Dominos
Graphs - Dijkstra
Graphs - Maximum flow (Edmonds-Karp)
Graphs - Maximum flow runtime
DP - Introduction
DP - Knapsack
DP - Top down VS Bottom up
DP - State graph
DP - Shortest paths: Acyclic formulation
DP - Knapsack, build the solution
DP - Memory reduction
DP - Knapsack flipping the state formulation
DP - Candy problem, parameter decution
DP - Problem: Copying books
DP - Problem: Knockout Tournament
DP - Problem: Forming Quiz Teams
Binary search - Introduction
Binary search - Square root
Binary search - Search on the answer
Binary Search - Problem: Glyph Recognition
Techniques - Brute force on solution structure
Techniques - Problem: Iron and Coal
Geometry - Cross product
Geometry - Point orientation
Geometry - Point in convex polygon